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Thanksgiving Break in Texas/Corpus Christi Schools

Break in Texas Corpus Christi Schools As Thanksgiving approaches, Texas schools are preparing for holiday break. Parents, take note that Corpus Christi Independent School District will break for the Thanksgiving holiday from Monday, November 23rd through Friday, the 27th. As kids and teachers take a break from the confines of classrooms and the hustle and bustle of holiday travel kicks off, take caution to prevent accidents. If you suffer injuries in a road accident during this busy Thanksgiving period, remember help is a phone call away with an experienced Corpus Christi personal injury lawyer. In the meantime, learn more about accident prevention in Corpus Christi and adopt our safety tips to keep your and your children safe.

Pedestrian accidents in Corpus Christi

Pedestrian accidents are unfortunately common in Corpus Christi, especially during Thanksgiving, when the roads are increasingly busy. For instance, there were 131 traffic crashes involving pedestrians in TxDOT’s Corpus Christi District in 2019, resulting in 13 fatalities and 30 severe injuries. According to TxDOT, the number of fatal accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists is also on the rise in Corpus Christi. 

According to safety officials, the leading cause of pedestrian accidents is people’s failure to adhere to state laws designed to protect pedestrians. Whether you are behind the wheel or a pedestrian, you should make safety your number one concern. 

Statistics reveal that half of pedestrians who died on Texas roadways in 2019 were between the ages of 21 and 49. The majority of these people lived in urban areas and 90% were cyclists, while 73% were pedestrians.  

In 2018, half of the fatal crashes that occurred in Corpus Christi involved a person attempting to cross the road without using the crosswalks. Unfortunately, most people are unwilling to walk the extra mile to get to an intersection and cross the road safely, putting themselves at risk of being hit by vehicles for the sake of convenience.

Tips on pedestrian safety 

At some point in the day, every person is a pedestrian and regrettably, pedestrian accidents are on the rise, as pointed out by NHTSA. How can you protect yourself and your loved ones while walking? How can you help prevent the injuries and deaths resulting from pedestrian accidents? Basic helpful tips for pedestrian safety include:

  • Be predictable by following the rules of the road and obey all the traffic signs and signals. 
  • Whenever available, use sidewalks. 
  • If there are no sidewalks, walk facing the traffic, while putting as much distance between yourself and traffic as possible.
  • Remain alert at all times. Avoid distractions like electronics that could distract your eyes and ears from the road. 
  • Cross the roads at intersections or crosswalks where drivers expect pedestrians. Always look out for vehicles, including vehicles making right or left turns.
  • Don’t assume that a driver sees you. Make eye contact with the driver to ensure they see you before you attempt to cross the road. 
  • Watch out for vehicles with limited visibility while backing up in parking lots or exiting/entering driveways.
  • Ensure that you are visible at all times. During the day, wear brightly-colored clothes. At night, wear reflective clothes. 

Safety tips for drivers 

While behind the wheel, look out for pedestrians to help reduce vehicle accidents.  Some the tips to follow include:

  • Slow down in pedestrian areas such as neighborhoods and residential areas. Moving slowly will give you extra time to react when you see a pedestrian as they are often unpredictable and may cross the road when you least expect.
  • Be patient with people with challenges or seniors – persons who may not be swift while crossing the roads.
  • Make eye contact with pedestrians. Before crossing the road, most pedestrians will want to know that you have seen them. 
  • Look out for school bus rules and crossing signs – abide by all the special rules for drivers near school zones. 
  • Don’t be quick to overtake when the vehicle ahead of you slows down – the driver in front might be slowing to allow pedestrians to cross. 
  • Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs as these substances will affect your judgment and reaction time.

Whether you’re a pedestrian or a driver, remember to watch out for your neighbor and stay safe during this bustling Thanksgiving season. In the event of an accident, don’t hesitate to call on the three generations of injury attorneys at The Burkett Law Firm, a proud resident of the Corpus Christi community since 1960. Have you or your loved one suffered injuries in a car or pedestrian accident? Our experienced Corpus Christi personal injury lawyers will help you seek the compensation you deserve. 


School Calendar 2020-2021

School Holidays Starts Finishes
First Day of School 24 Aug 2020
Thanksgiving Break 23 Nov 2020
27 Nov 2020
Christmas Break 21 Dec 2020
1 Jan 2021
Spring Break 8 Mar 2021
12 Mar 2021
Easter Break 2 Apr 2021
5 Apr 2021
Last Day of School 27 May 2021

Caption: Corpus Christi Independent School District Calendar 2020 and 2021 Thanksgiving Break dates.

Table Source:



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