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Car Insurance Companies: Should You Talk to Them?

If you suffer injuries in an auto crash or your car is damaged, you will want to seek compensation for your loss from the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier. Like most accident victims, you want to do it fast and put the whole ordeal behind you.

woman calling the car insurance company after an accident
If you’ve been in a car accident, a good rule of thumb is to never talk to the involved insurance providers before speaking with an experienced Corpus Christi car accident lawyer.

As such, you might be tempted to think that the best course of action is to approach all the involved insurance companies and get the settlement over with as quickly as possible. If that is what’s on your mind, you need to think again.

Who Do I Talk To First? The Insurance Company Or A Lawyer?

As soon as the insurance provider is informed about the crash, they will assign an adjuster to your case. This is the person who investigates the accident to establish liability, evaluates the value of your claim, and makes settlement negotiations with you.

While insurance adjusters might seem easy to get along with, you need to bear in mind that is part of their training. They will act friendly, express concern, and their kindness might trap you into saying things you might regret. Therefore, never speak to them before you talk to a skilled Corpus Christi car accident lawyer.

Why You Shouldn’t Talk To The Car Insurance Company Yourself

1. They Are Seeking Admission Of Liability

Agents from car insurance companies are always looking for contradictory acts or any signs that show the admission of liability. They will zero in on specific “trigger” words that might be used against you to deny or lower your claim.

So, don’t say anything, or at least keep your words at a minimum. Allowing a Texas personal injury lawyer to talk to the car insurance company on your behalf will ensure that everything said favors your claim.

2. Their First Settlement Offer May Be Less Than The Actual Damages

When car insurance companies approach you, especially when they believe you are not at fault, they will make a settlement offer and rush you into making a decision. After all, they know for sure you need money.

Their objective is not to help you recover. They want to make sure you settle your claim as quickly and cheaply as possible, so they can maximize profits. Don’t fall for this trick. Hire a lawyer to help you get full and fair compensation.

A good lawyer will help you calculate your claim’s value. If, for example, you are required to undergo further treatment after surgery, your lawyer will ensure that these new medical directions and expenses are taken into consideration when negotiating a settlement.

3. Texas Law Regarding Car Accidents And Compensation Can Be Complicated

Dealing with the laws that govern car accident cases can be confusing. First, there is the modified comparative fault rule in Texas, also known as “proportionate responsibility.” On top of that, there is the two-year statute of limitations for personal injury cases.

If you are not familiar with these rules and all the legal processes involved in a car accident claim, you may easily become susceptible to influence by insurance company agents. Enlisting a knowledgeable car accident lawyer can help you undertake all the legal maneuvers, so you get the right compensation.

Talk To Our Car Accident Lawyers For Legal Help

The importance of being extremely careful when dealing with car insurance companies cannot be overstated. Whenever possible, you should never contact them until you have sought legal advice from a capable car accident lawyer.

If you or someone you love has been in an auto crash and you believe it was as a result of another person’s negligence, our experienced Corpus Christi car accident lawyer is here for you. Call The Burkett Law Firm today at 361-223-6862 to learn how we can help.


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